New MusicLeader publication, following hub’s membership research
Last year the hub worked with the MusicLeader team, carrying out research amongst its 11 000 members, and providing recommendations for the strategic development of the service. Since then, MusicLeader, which exists to raise the quality, value and impact of music leadership in the UK, has extended its network into East Anglia and the South East, so that for the first time ever it can provide a truly national resource.
Our research provided information about MusicLeader’s members, their needs, ambitions and the challanges they believed they face and will face in the future. It also consulted them around how they thought that MusicLeader could most usefully provide support in the future, testing this with key figures in the music education sector, and providing recommendations for future programme development, communications and operations.
Informed by this research, MusicLeader has published a new on- and off-line brochure, describing the information, advice and guidance, training and networking opportunities and online resources it provides, and giving useful information about how all those involved in young people’s music making can access them. It looks great (!), and is packed with really useful information. If you’re involved in this kind of work, or know someone who is, then do check it out and get in touch with the MusicLeader team in your region; they’re a great bunch, they really know their stuff and can connect you to lots more free advice, training and guidance.