Our Speakers Said….
We asked Kheron Kenardo (Live and Love Talent), Sybil Bell (Independent Venue Week), and Rich Myers (Transmit Start-Ups) what the One Dayer means to them.
1. Why are you excited to be part of The One Dayer?
Kheron: I’m excited about speaking at the One Dayer because it addresses an isolated issue, and it certainly is in our interest and the interest of future artists that we that musicians of the now and the future have means of generating an income.
Sybil: It’s always good to get together with people who are at the coalface of different areas of the industry and share insights and knowledge.
Rich: This event is particularly of interest to me as it combines the three things that I am interested in – finance, technology and music!
2. Who among your fellow speakers are you most looking forward to hearing from?
Sybil: I’m interested to hear from Alan Davey (Chief Executive, Arts Council England) as to how they select the projects they support and why.
Rich: There are far too many to choose from.
3. What are the burning issues you hope will get discussed at The One Dayer?
Kheron: I’m looking forward to speaking about Youth Engagement AND what are we currently doing to ensure that our strategies are effective. I also look forward to speaking about the role that young people will play in the process of change.
Sybil:How anyone in the independent sector can stay in the game?
Rich:Well I’m going to be talking about the steps you need to take to get a new business to market effectively. It’s based around the “Six D’s” concept that we’ve put together but you’ll have to come along if you want to find out more! 4.
What’s your advice for getting the most out of an event like this?
Kheron: Have a clear and desired outcome.
Sybil: Turn up with an open mind and never be afraid to ask a question or three.
Rich: Listen carefully, take notes and revisit them later as there is often a lot to take in. I love to see great speakers with lots of knowledge as it always inspires me to do better! And these events are always great for networking too – take plenty of business cards!
Kheron Kenardo is a young social entrepreneur and musician based in London – founder of Live and Love Talent. Sybil Bell is co-founder of Independent Venue Week, and Founder & Director at music experiential agency I Like The Sound Of That. Rich Myers is Commercial Director of Transmit Start-Ups.