
“It was a very rewarding experience and one of the best internships that I’ve had in terms of having real responsibilities and learning more about the independent music sector,”
Elena Dirstaru, former intern.
Our commitment to enabling people to achieve their potential starts at home. We run an internship programme in partnership with the University of Essex that gives students and alumni hands on experience of working in a small creative business, alongside bespoke professional development support.
We work hard to make every internship as valuable as it can be our interns. We’re generous with our knowledge and contacts, and every intern who joins our team gets the chance to work on a special project – designed as much as possible around their interests and professional development needs – as well as get involved in the all the usual goings on you find in a small creative business.
Internships are open to all University of Essex students, as well as those who’ve graduated in the last 3 years. You can intern with us on a part time basis whilst you study, and most internships tend to last around 12 weeks. That gives you enough time to get inside what we’re about, and us enough time to design a project that will work for us all.
We pay our interns the minimum wage, and also cover travel to any events you are asked to attend in your role as a member of the team.
You can find out more about how the scheme works by visiting the University of Essex website, but if you’d like an informal discussion about interning for us email our director, Julia Payne, at